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MEADE 114mm A-Series Equatorial Reflector Telescope (114EQASTR)
Item #: MEA-114EQASTR -
The Meade 114mm A-Series Equatorial Reflector Telescope - Basic model but includes a special relay lens which shortens the tube length and yields a 1000mm focal length (f/8.8). Includes a somewhat smaller mount and tripod.
Meade 114mm A-Series Equatorial Reflector Telescope (114EQASTR) - Basic model but includes a special relay lens which shortens the tube length and yields a 1000mm focal length (f/8.8). Includes a somewhat smaller mount and tripod.
The large 114mm-diameter mirror gathers 361% more light than 60mm telescopes. Fainter, more distant objects can be seen in far greater detail. The beginning amateur who intends to use a manual telescope on a regular basis will find the equatorial mount to be a valuable investment.
Because the earth rotates once on its axis every 24 hours, celestial objects move rapidly through the telescopic field, particularly at higher powers. The equatorial mount of Meade 114mm A-Series Equatorial Telescope greatly facilitates object tracking, simply by manually turning one or both of the control cables.
The Meade 114mm A-Series Telescope are not intended for land viewing.
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Availability: In Stock
Suggested Retail:$200.00
Our Price: $139.95
MEADE ETX-80AT-TC Go To Computer Motorized Telescope
Item #: MEA-ETX80ATTC -
The Meade ETX-80AT-TC Go To Computer Telescope delivers more light-gathering for increased image brightness and greater detail. Moon craters by the hundreds, cloud belts on Jupiter, and Saturn?s rings are just the beginning of what can be seen with this telescope.
The MEADE ETX-80AT-TC Go To Computer Motorized Telecope delivers more light-gathering for increased image brightness and greater detail. Moon craters by the hundreds, cloud belts on Jupiter, and...
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Availability: In Stock
Suggested Retail:$375.00
Our Price: $279.00
MEADE ETX-80AT-TC Go To Computer Motorized Telescop Backpack Version
Item #: MEA-ETX80ATTC BB -
The Meade ETX-80AT-TC Go To Computer Telescope Backpack Version delivers more light-gathering for increased image brightness and greater detail. Moon craters by the hundreds, cloud belts on Jupiter, and Saturn?s rings are just the beginning of what can be seen with this telescope.
Backpack Version
MEADE ETX-80AT-TC Go To Computer Motorized Telecope delivers more light-gathering for increased image brightness and greater detail. Moon craters by the hundreds, cloud belts on Jupiter, and Saturn’s rings are just the beginning of what can be seen with this telescope.
Meade’s brainy AutoStar computer solves the stargazer’s two biggest challenges in navigating the heavens with a computer telescope: aligning the ETX-80AT Telecope with the night sky and finding celestial phenomenon in the vast starry firmament. Right out of the box with a simple initialization, AutoStar makes finding the sky’s elusive jewels virtually as easy as pushing a few buttons. Observe land or over 1400 sky objects in stunning high resolution, and learn about the sky with Meade’s extensive astro-library.
A built-in Barlow lens flips into position when needed. This highly desirable feature provides more power when studying lunar and planetary surface features, An internal Time Chip (TC) keeps precise factory calibrated time and date, A Bubble-level/ Compass is provided to make initialization faster and easier.
Meade Go To Computer Telecope includes two premium 4-element 1.25" Super Plossl eyepieces (SP9.7mm, SP26mm) offering comfortable long eye-relief and an expansive wide visual field.
Included with Meade Computer telescope the AutoStar computer controller automatically guides your telescope to over 1400 objects. View planets, stars, galaxies, and nebulas all at the push of a button. Don’t know what to see on a particular night? Don’t worry. Just select the Tonight’s Best™ tour and AutoStar will automatically take you on a guided tour of the best planets, stars, nebulas and other objects out that particular night. Want to know more about what you’re looking at? The LCD display teaches you about what you’re viewing with details like distance, temperature, mass, and historical information. AutoStar is your guide to the universe.
Bonus! AutoStar Suite Astronomer Software on DVD for PC, now with instructional DVD are included in the package.
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Availability: In Stock
Suggested Retail:$375.00
Our Price: $299.99
Meade 8" LX 90-ACF (f/10) Advanced Coma-Free W/ UTHC Telescope
Item #: MEA-0810-90-03 -
Meade 8" LX90-ACF (f/10) with Advanced Coma-Free optics #0810-90-03. The perfect platform for the demanding visual observer and imaging enthusiast in a highly portable package. When it comes to industry-leading optics, depth of features, and computerized operation, the LX90-ACF is the best all-around telescope value you can find.
Meade 8" LX90-ACF: Meade’s popular LX90 with its
great combination of highly usable electronic features, solid and
relatively light weight mount, and very reasonable cost, goes to the
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Availability: In Stock
Suggested Retail:$1,799.00
Our Price: $1,999.00
MEADE ETX-125 AT Maksutov Cassegrain Telescope
Item #: MEA-0515-03-60 -
Meade's world famous ETX. The ETX-125 AT (f/15) Maksutov-Cassegrain w/UHTC offers optical quality that has made it a standard in the industry, Meade's best optical coatings, the easy to use Meade 497 GOTO computer handbox, and a solid mount and tripod. If you are in looking for a high quality portable scope absolutely loaded with features and performance you need look no further.
Meade's world famous ETX. The Meade ETX-125 AT
(f/15) Maksutov-Cassegrain w/UHTC offers optical quality that has made
it a standard in the industry, Meade's best optical coatings, an
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Availability: In Stock
Suggested Retail:$899.99
Our Price: $699.00
MEADE DS-2130AT-TC Altazimuth Reflector Telescope
Item #: MEA-DS2130AT-TC -
Meade DS-2130AT-TC Altazimuth Reflector #20136. Meade DS-2000 models are easy to operate but sophisticated, fully computer-guided GO TO telescopes. All models share the Meade lightweight, portable and reliable DS-2000 single arm robotic mount with Model 494 Autostar Computer Keypad. This incredible technology knows the night sky right out of the box. Turn it on, and after a brief alignment procedure, your telescope is ready to take you to any object in it's over 14,000 object library or take you on a guided tour of the heavens. See more objects in one night than Galileo saw in a lifetime.
Meade DS-2130AT-TC Altazimuth Reflector #20136.
Meade DS-2000 models are easy to operate but sophisticated, fully
computer-guided GO TO telescopes. All models share the Meade
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Availability: In Stock
Suggested Retail:$500.00
Our Price: $279.00
MEADE 10" Lightbride (f/5) Truss-Tube Dobsonian Telescope
Item #: MEA-1005-05-02 -
Not just a big scope, a big telescope that goes anywhere. The 10" LightBridge™ Deluxe Truss-Tube Dobsonian goes together and can be taken apart in just a couple minutes so you can set it up at your home or take it to your favorite dark sky location with ease. Meade optics, premium components, and great portability - all for about the same price as an ordinary solid tube Dobsonian.
Meade 10" LightBridge Dobsonian #1005-05-02. Not
just a big scope, a big telescope that goes anywhere. The LightBridge
Deluxe Truss-Tube Dobsonians go together and can be taken apart in just a
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Availability: In Stock
Suggested Retail:$799.99
Our Price: $599.00
MEADE 12" Lightbride (f/5) Truss-Tube Dobsonian Telescope
Item #: MEA-1205-05-02 -
Not just a big scope, a big telescope that goes anywhere. The 12" LightBridge Deluxe Truss-Tube Dobsonian goes together and can be taken apart in just a couple minutes so you can set it up at your home or take it to your favorite dark sky location with ease. Meade optics, premium components, and great portability - all for about the same price as an ordinary solid tube Dobsonian.
Meade 12" LightBridge Dobsonian #1205-05-02. Not
just a big scope, a big telescope that goes anywhere. The LightBridge
Deluxe Truss-Tube Dobsonians go together and can be taken apart in just a
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Availability: In Stock
Suggested Retail:$1,000.00
Our Price: $899.00
MEADE 16" Lightbride (f/5) Truss-Tube Dobsonian Telescope
Item #: MEA-1455-05-02 -
Not just a big scope, a big telescope that goes anywhere. The 16" LightBridge Deluxe Truss-Tube Dobsonian goes together and can be taken apart in just a couple minutes so you can set it up at your home or take it to your favorite dark sky location with ease. Meade optics, premium components, and great portability - all for about the same price as an ordinary solid tube Dobsonian.
Meade 16" LightBridge Dobsonian #1645-05-02. Not
just a big scope, a big telescope that goes anywhere. The 16"
LightBridge Deluxe Truss-Tube Dobsonian goes together and can be taken
apart in...
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Availability: In Stock
Suggested Retail:$1,999.99
Our Price: $1,849.00